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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Shamanism - Crystalinks

Shamanism - Crystalinks

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Dreadlocks, Ganja and Reggae: What is Rastafarianism? | Socyberty

Dreadlocks, Ganja and Reggae: What is Rastafarianism? | Socyberty

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My Personal Manifesto's

LIVING IN A land of Plenty RelaxED On Solid Ground.
“Slaying The giants and saying Goodbye to Stress; Conquering:
* Fear * Loneliness * Discouragement * Stress * Poverty * Worry.

Christed thoughts, Christed emotions, and a Christed body: a Christed… (Reality)

Or be snared on the road to enlightenment.

Snares on the road to enlightenment:

The Soul’s Perspective on Love;

“For the soul there is only one kind of love, and that is unconditional love.”

We must ask our selves can I get what I want and want I need?

I was in Santa Monica distributing Krishna Consciousness books and this was divinely given to me and written in a matter of minute’s; first second, and third draft, using the same piece of paper. This happened on 9-11. A little after the noon Pacific Standard Time.

The Original Piece of Paper is still held dear to my hart literally. I decided to type it out so not to loose the exact words that were given to me from a divine inspiration!!!!!! /The title Food Club was given to it later that same year.

Food Club !!!!

1. “Createing A Fun LOVEing atmosphere tended for growth.”

2. Incorporate Socially stimulating groups in community to work together with hope 4 a better future as a common thread.

3. Provide resources for productive engagements that uplift and unite community in love, and education; Churches; potlucks wh group prayers and open discussions on specific topics with qualified guest speakers.

The goal is a gradual Grass Roots Anarkey through education and action. Because the problem is we have is that at the rate of so called progress or social oppression we are loosing all knowledge on basic survival through our dependency on others. This big ugly machine is completely destructing our ability 2. B. social and also encageing us in a rat race for what?? 4 who.: So now what 1) Stop, 2) Breathe, 3) think. ; Act
New combinations ; roles ; statuses,

This next piece is written on a yellow piece of paper in a chapel in a business class a couple of years latter.

Thank you Jesus for Universal Collage of Healing Arts

To Gloryfy U and Me and all the Kingdom.

To free my self of Anger and Resentment!
(And After That to show how I have overcome. Through how I Live!)
from inferior Living. To the Higher Vibrations
of Eternity. [ H.O.S. House of Sprouts!!!]
To love all of my family to have
Compassion 4 all my Brothers and Sisters who walk through
The valley of the Shadow of Death.
To find my true Self my Soul Self not my ego-self.
And Then to Share my Self through Supper Soul Jesus Christ
Driven Chakrasizing, Spirt Releasing Demon Exercizing: Pure Life Pleasing
Living. Giving me a Place at the Tree of Life retreat Center. To personalize
And consecrate my Self to its fully God’s eyezed
Pleasing. Soulfull Satisfying Enternationallizing
Return to the Eden Diet. Where
Everything is Raw and Whole again!.
Eric Anthony